
Friday, March 1, 2013

My Tips to Running your Home!

This is our crazy Family this Christmas. It was work to get all three to sit still let alone look at the camera! Can you tell our then 4 year old is so happy to be taking Family pictures? Doesn't he know were making memories here?!

I keep seeing pins on pinterest that say things like "10 habits for a well ran home" or "10 tips to a smooth running household". So here are my 10 tips to running your household:

1. Sometimes kids are brats (ok alot), anyone who thinks other wise has no kids, is in denial, or is the one in 300,000,000 who has well behaved children all the time. If that yours KUDOS! So accept that your kids are going to act up, and just hope its not in the middle of the check-out lane after a 1-1/2 hour shopping trip in which you child pulled the apple off the bottom and made all the other apples fall to the floor.

2. Like tip 1 kids are brats, and sometimes as mom's we "lose our cool" or have a "breakdown" I say HAVE YOUR BREAK DOWN! Its okay to break down when things get too much for us, were human. So break down and move on. Trust me we've ALL been there!

3.Who cares if your house is a disaster. You know as well as I do that you'll get the living room cleaned, go to the kitchen to clean up then walk back to the living to find it a mess again. Its life, life with babies, toddlers, pre-teens, teenagers is messy.

4. As long as the kids clothes appear to be clean and don't smell nobody else is the wiser!

5. Some day's a peanut butter and jelly sandwich counts as a 3 course meal. Appetizer=bread, main course=peanut butter (um it has protein u know) and dessert=jelly.

6. If you can sleep in, sleep in!! Let the husband take a morning with the kids. They are his kids too you know.

7. If its 10 PM and your exhausted, (from reading 6 books to the 3 year old before she would go to bed, trying 8 different stuffed animals for the 2 year old before she would go to bed, fighting with the 5 year old before just deciding to let him sleep on the couch with cartoons again) but there's dishes in the sink and laundry to do. It can wait until tomorrow. GO TO BED!

8. When you go to the bathroom LOCK THE DOOR! Wash your face and put some lotion on pretend your at the spa! IGNORE the banging and constant whining saying “MOMMY” coming from the other side of the door.

9. When the kids have a melt down because there favorite show isn't on, or because they want something they cant have/your out of. Calmly explain to them that in this household we DO NOT negotiate with terrorists! Then walk away! 

Thanks to my friend Amy who inspired this one!

10. If its been one of those days where your at your wits ends and cant take it anymore. As soon as your hubby walks in the door give him a kiss and say “I love you and I know you worked hard all day, but as of right now, these are your kids I will be back sometime tonight most likely after bed time. So feel free to bathe the kids, and put them to bed. Your welcome to stay up and wait for me but not necessary. K thanks bye”

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