
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A Walking Dead Party for Aiden's 7th!

My little Man loves everything Zombie, as do I! So when he told me he wanted a zombie party for his 7th I was pretty excited!!!
Here is the Food Table! It was a lot of fun coming up with this and I got tons of idea on pinterest!
We had Pizza intestines, salsa (curdled blood) with chips, chocolate pudding, little smokies (per request of Aiden), and cake!
The "survival food" section of the table! Soup, Tuna, Meat and water! You can also see the Zombie Survival guide, that was the Hubby's and made a great prop for the table!
The "Medical" section of the table! First aid stuff kit, bandages, gloves, scissors, medical tape! Of course medicines as we'll! The "medicines" where good n plenty, skittles, tic tacs, altoids, and almond joys pieces. Don't worry I went into great detail explaining to my kids that there is a BIG difference between candy and medicine!
I decided while looking at this sign at the party I totally should have take red paint and did it like Rick did in the show and put "NO SANCTUARY" It was an after thought! :) 
You cant have a Walking Dead Party without a HUGE can of Chocolate Pudding!

The cake! I had a lot of fun doing this cake and he LOVED it! It is a vanilla cake, with buttercream icing and marshmallow fondant! I used silver "cake dust" mixed with water for the metal chain and door handles. Color gel for decorating.
The favor table! Make your own zombie survival kit! Twinkies, jerky, flashlights, compasses, hand sanitizer marked "z-virus", granola bars, peanuts, glow-sticks, and water bottles. \
Target Practice! We had Nerf Zombie Strike guns set-up for target practice. I forgot to take a picture of all the guns! We didn't buy the guns Aiden loves everything nerf and zombie so he had a bunch of the guns!
The front door! DO NOT ENTER INFECTED INSIDE! Chained shut (we'll for pre-tend)!
It was such a fun day and Aiden told me that night it was "best day ever"!

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